Friday, February 14, 2025
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Editor's Blog

10 Most Amazing Classical Crossover Videos

Whether they're arty, showy, funny, happy or awe-inspiring, here's a list of the ten most amazing classical crossover videos ever (so far...)

10. Ignite the Fuse - Fuse
Okay, maybe this duo have more money than sense (those violins are worth £1m each) and maybe this video is a little bit of style over substance (okay... it is), but why not celebrate a video that pulls out all the stops?  The special effects here were created by the Harry Potter SFX team (I told you they had money...)

9. Alfie Boe Warbles A Bit - Alfie Boe
Matt Lucas is a very famous comedian here in the UK, and at the time, nobody really knew who Alfie Boe was or why they would be friends, or why their paths would even cross (turns out they starred in Les Mis together).  Here, Matt makes him sing for his supper, live, in his kitchen.

8. Seashell - Scala & the Kolacny Brothers
Here's an arty one for you.  Possibly the only music video ever to feature nudity and make it appear natural rather than sexual.  Excellent original song and a mesmerising video that celebrates natural beauty and art.

7. "Stay" on Sing If You Can - Camilla Kerslake
Sing If You Can
is a British celebrity game show.  Professional singers have to sing a song whilst have all sorts of distractions thrown at them - it's all done for charity.  Here is Camilla Kerslake being a real soldier on what was possibly the most distracting set the show had ever cooked up.  Prepare to laugh a great deal and to forgive the bum notes!

6. The Singer Can Dance! - Katherine Jenkins
It's hard to pick just one dance from Katherine Jenkins's time on America's Dancing With the Stars but her time on there was definitely a revelation.  Millions of US viewers learned of Katherine's existence (not to mention classical crossover in general), and she charmed the whole nation.  Here is Katherine in her second week (only her SECOND!)  Enjoy!

5. Elements - Lindsey Stirling
Beautiful.  Elegant.  The editing is magnificent.  And Lindsey manages all these beautiful videos without ever taking her clothes off .  It has nearly 10 million views and this video must be viewed in HD, so crank up Youtube's video quality, sit back, and stare in wonder.

4. A Youtube Sensation Is Born - Paul Potts
Chances are, you are one of the 100 millions views that this video has already enjoyed.  First season ever of Britain's Got Talent and among it all, it's a classical crossover artist that gets the most attention.  Bravo, Paul Potts!

3. We Found Love In A Whole New Place... - Lindsey Stirling
Yeah, here she is again.  This video is here because it's a bucket of happiness.  If you're ever feeling down, this will be your lift.  But really, if you ever have a spare... day - it's worth going through Lindsey's entire Youtube channel.  She's had over 200 million views and one of her videos has had 40 million views alone (not listed on this chart).  All of her videos are creative and entertaining.

2. A More Than Youtube Sensation Is Born - Jackie Evancho

This video is the moment when classical crossover is introduced to the biggest market in the music industry in a MASSIVE way.  Ten year old Jackie steps out and sings 'O Mio Babbino Caro' to the amazement of the American public.  The morning after, Jackie was the top ranked search in google.  Although Paul Potts's impact was global, he was seen as the mainstream media and by the public as an opera singer, whereas for Jackie, she insisted she WAS a classical crossover singer, which made all the difference in the world, and gave classical crossover artists everywhere a leg up.

1. Angel - Sarah Brightman
This video tops the chart not because it's the most technically amazing video, or because it's most entertaining but because of what it means.  It starts with homemade videos of Sarah as a child alongside TV footage of space activity which inspired her life long dream to visit space.  In case you haven't heard, it was announced in 2012 that Sarah would be the next celebrity space tourist.  This video really demonstrates how dreams can come true, and in this case, a dream this big has come true because of an artist's career in classical crossover.  Working in this genre has enabled Sarah to earn this kind of money (trips to space cost, oh... $50 million?) in order to realise this kind of dream.  I find this absolutely awe-inspiring.

Have any favourites?  Feel free to let me know in the comments below, and also link to your own favourite "amazing" videos!

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