Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Developer Diary

Bright New Day

Welcome to the first post of the developer diary, here you will find some behind the scenes details of what happens when we implement new features, launch new events and set our ongoing plans in motion (MuHahaha).

First a little bit about me:
My name is Adam I am the co-creator/owner of the classical-crossover website, I started as the man behind the curtain keeping the puppets moving while Nicola stood out front speaking for them all. But now as the website and our network grows and we begin to stick our pudgy fingers in more pies I have had to come out from behind the curtain and embrace the light...

In terms of the website and the classical-crossover network I handle the finances, the organisation and the legal requirements (among others) which we have to abide by in the many events we organise. If the site was a human body I would be the brains and Nicola would be the heart together we are great but if the site was missing either of us it wouldn't survive.

Well there we go that's a little about me (not much though) and my part in the site now onto the more interesting part; some of our plans for the future. I don't wish to go into huge detail, so I have bullet pointed some thoughts just to give you an idea of what you can expect in the way of topics to come:

  • The 2011 Fundraiser - Our first annual fundraiser to try and raise funds to cover the ongoing costs of the classical-crossover network.
  • Classical-Crossover Compilation 2011 Limited Edition CD - Working with some of the most talented artists we could find (and at short notice no less) we have put together a great compilation CD with 450 copies available for sale for a limited time only. Pre orders have already begun.
  • Classical-Crossover Showcase Concert - We are hoping to organise an end of year concert, with a few different artists performing a variety of songs. We may even tie it to an awards evening for Classical-Crossover artists. Much still to plan and consider.
  • The ClassCross 2011 Awards - At the end of the year we will have our next array of awards, including a variety of editor chosen awards based on each artists performance and work over the past year, as well as some awards voted for by our community.
  • A Classical-Crossover Label - We are considering building a small independent record label, is this a real possibility, who knows but it's something that could happen at some point in the next 5 years.
  • Classical-Crossover Trust - We like the idea of building a charity to award grants to independent artists of the genre to help them promote themselves and publish their works to the crossover community.

So there we have it, a few of our big ideas; some already announced, some not even mentioned until now. All begin as ideas and are researched before moving forward. In the coming weeks we will be focusing on our fundraiser and compilation CD but expect articles on the other possibilities as time continues. Watch this space for the next article and more behind the scenes details.

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