Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Compilation CD

After much work and many hours, we have finally completed the manufacturing process of the classical-crossover compilation CD. I took this project from initial contact with the artists to development, licensing, design and finally manufacture and distribution mostly on my own on behalf of Classical-Crossover.co.uk.

The CD's are now being manufactured as you read this, pressed from a master disk we provided the manufactory; ensuring each CD will be created to a retail standard. What is more I designed the inserts and cover artwork myself (with insight from Nicola of course) and we are happy with the proofs we have received.

This whole project was arduous to say the least but I am glad we undertook it, I feel certain there will be other crossover albums created by us in the future and having learned a few things from this release we should be able to do things differently and perhaps dare I say... Better.

The first run of the CD has completed its sale so if you would like your own copy and have not ordered it yet you will need to express your interest via our website www.cd.classical-crossover.co.uk. When we have enough interest we will begin a second run of copies for the CD and allow those who expressed their interest to get priority on purchasing them.

We are now awaiting delivery of the CDs, once received we will check each disk before sending them out to all those who have ordered them hopefully this will begin in the next seven days.

I would like to thank all of the artists who contributed to the CD as without them we would not have been able to create anything.
I hope everyone enjoys this first CD release of Classical-Crossover.co.uk