Hayley Nolan was first featured on this site just as she discovered her classical voice and was trying to find her sound. Multi-talented, she's also a comedian, actress, writer and presenter and she has, over the years, tried to mingle her classical singing with all of these aspects. She was, at first, rather traditional, but became increasingly frustrated with the expectations of how she and her music should be. She ditched the dresses and starting singing Carmen in a hoody and jeans. I originally said: "Nolan is the artist to back if you wish for the genre to broaden its horizons;" little did I know that she would break all the rules. After much experimentation, Nolan is now launching her "Urban Opera" project. The sound is completely unlike anything that has come before and it's very unlikely to appeal to the traditional classical crossover audience. Instead, this sound is so far out, that its appeal is entirely unpredictable. Nolan's project is for the Facebook generation; her tongue is placed firmly in cheek and a sense of humour is definitely required.
You have a sense of humour!
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