Friday, February 14, 2025
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Developer Diary

Membership’s Open & More Features


As of December 25th 2013 membership on
and the interactive voting features are now closed.



Hello everyone, it has been sometime since my last post as Nicola and I have been very busy preparing a few other projects and also getting through a huge backlog of emails & messages from artists, fans and a variety of other people.

But we are now getting back on top of things and as many of you may know (from our posts on the forums) we have been considering redeveloping the website to reincorporate some of the interactive features that we previously removed.

Features to be Included

  • Article Comments - We recently created a new article commenting system which is open to all visitors to chat on the artist’s pages directly.

    To keep the issues small we have cut back on the size of the comments and will be deleting old comments as time goes on to free up space for new comments.

  • Member Features - Today we have once again opened the site to our visitors so that they can create member accounts. Simply click on the 'login' button that appears just below the menu on every page of the website.

    This has been created in preparation for new features we are developing to launch in the coming weeks for our members only. (Noted below)

  • Newsletters - We intend to add a regular monthly newsletter for our members that will allow Classical-Crossover artists to give you all news via an easy to use article submission system. The newsletter will also tell you about the latest articles, reviews and features to be added to the website.

  • New Review Section - We are slowly putting together a new Album review section which will allow us to more easily review items we receive in a slimmed down form. (Longer reviews will still occur from time to time as well)

  • Artist Voting - We will be once again adding artist voting, although to prevent the site from costing to much it will be a slimmed down version. With voting being permitted once per day rather than multiple times a day to make it fair for all artists and fans.

  • Polling Awards - In addition to the artist voting we may incorporate a member polling section where you will be able to vote for your favourite artist to receive awards. One vote per person though.

  • Forums - The forums will remain as they are completely separate to the main website, there will be no integration so if you want to chat on the forums you will need to make two accounts one for the website and one for the forums.

What this means

This is what we have planned at the moment, you can now register to become a member and we will slowly roll out the other features. Eventually all features including Comments will be for registered members only.
Membership will remain free for all.

Finally please be aware any inactive accounts will be deleted without warning.
(an account is inactive if a person doesnt log into the website at least once a month)

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