Friday, February 14, 2025
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Best Group Award 2012

Best Group Award 2012 Winner

Affinití are aptly named; they consist of a harpist, violinist and vocalist and combine their backgrounds and disciplines to create a seamless sound.  Their music features no other instruments, but their arrangements are full and lush.  Genuinely feeding off one another and experimenting with what their respective instruments can do, Affinití are creative in their arrangements and collectively have an outstanding ear for converting pop into a fresh classically inspired sound.  To top all of this off, these musicians are not run of the mill - they are exceptional at what they do and, arguably the most important element that decides if they are commercially viable or not, the voice of this group, Emer Barry, has a voice to match that of Sissel or Hayley WestenraTo buy Rebirth, click here.


Best Group Award 2012 Nominees

All Angels

This is an automatic nomination from achieving the most votes in the group category.

Celtic Woman

This is an automatic nomination from achieving the most votes in the group category.

The Tenors

Editorial nomination

Il Volo

Editorial nomination

The winner of this award was determined by the Editor of